IT'S FINALLY HERE! IT'S FINALLY LIVE! WE REALLY ARE OUT HERE AND MAKING MOVES! Hahahaha as you can tell I am pretty excited that my official website has officially launched.
The idea of all this has been something that has been in my head for quite some time now - just about a year to be exact, but the idea of "perfection" kept holding me back from taking action.
I've faced it, you've faced it, everyone wrestles with this idea of perfection; as creatives, as artists - we do especially. It's important to remind ourselves that the beauty of all of this, the beauty of this gift we have been given, the beauty of art is its openness to interpretation - there really is no right or wrong in this realm. We can allow ourselves to break free from what we believe we are supposed to create - our minds can run free and create with meaning based on our own truths.
Needless to say, not only was I reminded of that throughout the process of building this website, but the idea of ACTIONS>WORDS really began to take new shape for me and the valine in that alone I appreciate more than anything now.
You can say you are going to do something for the longest, but until you take action that "something" will always be in your head, it will never be your reality.
So work. Work until your dreams are no longer in your head but the reality you live in. You deserve to live the life you want to, doing what you love; so push yourself daily, learn, and work to make that happen for yourself.
I welcome you with open arms to my website, my journey and my ongoing promise to you - to translate your visions into art and to ongoing growth. So let's create!
Navigate through each tab to cycle through my different services, style options and rates.
I look forward to this new chapter and continuing to create for each and every one of you.
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